Monday 5 March 2012

Three Little Pigs.

I'm sure most of you will have seen The Guardians new advert, highlighting their 'open journalism' via the tale of "The Three Little Pigs" created by BBH, it portrays the well-loved fairytale as it would be if it were to happen in the 21st century. A tongue-in-cheek look at journalism and social networking, I feel it accurately (well, as accurately as it could be!) shows how the british public react in times of disorder and crisis. The advert comes at the time of the well-publicised Leveson Enquiry, and in the aftermath the London Riots of August 2011. I think the advert is brilliant, The Guardian not afraid to parody themselves and the British culture of "BLAME EVERYTHING ON THE BANKS AND THE GOVERNMENT."

Another take on 'The Three Little Pigs' comes from the truly spectacular advertising team... erm, enjoy?


1 comment:

  1. Hi Jess, this is a great case-study and as you know inspired me to use in the lecture on Social Media and communication. You may then want to include this in your essay and this would allow you to dicuss the current context (social, political economic and technological) particularly new media. Make sure you reference all your research and texts that you've read on your blog and in your essay. This keeps everything at a high academic standard and also include primary as well as secondary theoretical and practical research (exploring products/Silver 70s exhibition). Your work on the blog is of a good - to v. good standard. It's worth completing some of the other tasks to gain more credits, well done, Janine
